Practical Information
- The 15 oral presentations are by invitation only and last about 45 minutes.
- The program allows ample time for in-depth discussions during and outside plenary sessions.
- All participants can contribute to the 4-day-long poster session with at most 2 posters.
- There are no printing facilities for posters on site.
- The poster format: A0 portrait (841 mm × 1189 mm)
- All poster presenters prepare (maximum 2) slides for a one-minute oral advertisement.
- The workshop takes place at the Postillion Hotel at a lakeside near Putten. Please check our dedicated venue page.
- The small town of Putten can be reached comfortably by train (~1h30 from main airport Schiphol, Amsterdam).
- Free transportation from Putten railway station to the Hotel (~ 6 km) will be arranged.
Public Transport From Schiphol Airport
You will have to take two trains: the first to Amersfoort, the second to Putten. It will cost about 13 euros and the trip will take a bit less than 1h30. Please buy a single ticket, not a return one.

For example:
Schiphol Airport 13h35 platform 3 - NS Intercity train (dir. Enschede) -> 14h20 Amersfoort.
Amersfoort 14h41 platform 2 - NS Sprinter train (dir. Zwolle) -> 14h58 Putten.
We urge you to plan your train trip before your arrival in the Netherlands: please download the 9292 app (yes, that is the name of the app) or go to Simply enter Schiphol Airport and Putten as your starting and end locations and check which train(s) you are likely to catch. Avoid trains with more than 1 connection (e.g. going first through Amsterdam Centraal).
You can buy tickets at the big yellow vending machines which have an english language option or at the counter. The ticket machines provide you with step-by-step instructions. You can pay with a debit or credit card (V PAY, Maestro, Mastercard en Visa) at all ticket machines and with coins at some machines. Credit card payments require the entry of a pin code, and Visa and Mastercard transactions are charged a € 0.50 supplement.

Public transport from other airports
Please use the 9292 app or go to in order to find a train to Putten.
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